On September 6, 2024, Besse Forest Products, Inc., et al. entered into a consensual Federal Receivership in the Western District of Michigan United States District Court (case #2:24-cv-151). Tim Turek, Senior Managing Director at Aurora Management Partners, was appointed as Receiver to the Besse Companies.
Besse Forest Products Group is a manufacturer of high-quality Northern hardwood veneer, lumber and specialty plywood products used worldwide. The company is headquartered in Gladstone, Michigan and operates log yards, veneer and plywood plants, and sawmills throughout Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
The Aurora team managing the Besse business alongside Mr. Turek includes Blake Tillis, Associate Director, and Sophia Levinson, Consultant. Aurora is also currently serving as Receiver to Davenport Aid Propco in Ohio as well as Liquidating Trustee to Taronis Fuels and as Plan Administrator to Tessemae’s following their respective Chapter 11 Bankruptcy plan confirmations.